Well this month we did not get as much done as we would have liked, which we never seem to do. More grant writing, setting up our new web page, learning to navigate our new computers (ugh), getting firewood from our forest in hip deep snow shoveling said snow, fixing our temporary sheds after said snow collapsed them. In the last couple of weeks we have very warm weather along with crazy winds, a few days even got into the double digits melting about half of the snow. Within one month we have had record snow, record wind and record warm temperatures, lots of broken branches, a couple of fallen trees, and one close call.
Fallen tree right by the outhouse! Welcome to the new world weather.
Lately we have had a moose visit us, at our little place in the forest, nibbling on willows and saplings and sleeping down by the outhouse. Makes those late night trips a little more exciting for sure. Even one of our cats tried to stalk it, probably thought it was the biggest mouse he ever saw. Here are a couple of pictures of our forest visitor and hopefully our next post will have pictures of pots! Enjoy.