In The Wild Wood Blog
Revisiting the past

When we first started making a living at pottery I was completely enamoured with the everyday object and how it could, if carefully considered and crafted, elevate the ordinary into something more. Pots are the most intimate of art forms and are often taken for granted because we use them everyday but they say so much more about our lives, what we like and even who we are. Its no wonder that pottery shards are the first things that archeologists look for on a dig. Everyone it seems has a favourite mug or a bowl that they would prefer to...
Addressing deferred projects
Being wood fire potters the work cycle is seasonal. After the last winter sales of the year we start to make for the next. All winter we throw and store pots until spring when we head outside, squinting in the sun, sniffing the air like some underground moles we poke about the kiln, tidy it up and prep wood for the spring firings. Then summer rolls around and the garden and markets and summer shows take over and there never seems to be enough time even when we work from sun up to sun down in those long glorious...
We know......we know......

Well you know life happens sometimes. The last couple of years we have been dealing with an elderly family member and afterward rebuilding our life out here in the forest. But we are glad to say that all is well now and we are back into the full swing of things. If there is one thing that we can take away from all that we went through is that we need to make things a little easier on ourselves, so with that in mind we now have hooked up to the grid......we know, we know. We can hear all of...
January.....weird weather.....
Well this month we did not get as much done as we would have liked, which we never seem to do. More grant writing, setting up our new web page, learning to navigate our new computers (ugh), getting firewood from our forest in hip deep snow shoveling said snow, fixing our temporary sheds after said snow collapsed them. In the last couple of weeks we have very warm weather along with crazy winds, a few days even got into the double digits melting about half of the snow. Within one month we have had record snow, record wind and record...
New Year and a New Website!
When we upgrade boy do we upgrade! Well it has been ten years since we have upgraded our trusty old computer but when the cat knocks it off a shelf and falls over 3' to the ground (not the first time!) and then once you stop gasping, turn it on and it works better than know it is time to upgrade;-) So we decided to upgrade our computer, get high speed internet ,now that it is out here, got new iPads for out point of sales (instead of the old mechanical swipe) and revamped our web site.....Yay! Now a...